Human Management aims to leverage self-awareness and humanity on our daily management decisions

Human Mngt Newsletter

Every week we share a Management Bug or Management Fix on our weekly newsletter to leverage your growth. Changing the world takes more than everything any one person knows, but not more than we know together. So let’s learn and work together.

Check out some of the previous issues!

Management Fix 36 Competency Matrix ImplementationManagement Bug 35 Lack of Daily Stand-upsManagement Fix 35 Project Schedule Definition and CommunicationManagement Bug 34 Lack of Project SponsorManagement Fix 34 Regular Team Meetings ImplementationManagement Bug 33 Lack of Project ManagerManagement Fix 33 Result Indicators DefinitionManagement Bug 32 Lack of Scrum MasterManagement Fix 32 Project Scope Definition and CommunicationManagement Bug 31 Lack of Product OwnerManagement Fix 31 External Consultants HiringManagement Bug 30 Lack of SalespeopleManagement Fix 30 Target Customers Definition and SegmentationManagement Bug 29 Process Definition ResistanceManagement Fix 29 Team Building Events ImplementationManagement Bug 28 Lack of Training BudgetManagement Fix 28 Project Management Change Control Process DefinitionManagement Bug 27 Lack of Roles and Ownership DefinitionManagement Fix 27 Delegation Poker ImplementationManagement Bug 26 Overlapping ResponsibilitiesManagement Fix 26 Communication TrainingManagement Bug 25 Lack of Know-How TransferManagement Fix 25 Project Management TrainingManagement Bug 24 Lack of Product BacklogManagement Fix 24 Company ReorganizationManagement Bug 23 Lack of Product StrategyManagement Fix 23 Know-How Transfer Sessions ImplementationManagement Bug 22 Lack of Marketing StrategyManagement Fix 22 Salespeople HiringManagement Bug 21 Lack of Project Plan UpdatesManagement Fix 21 Risk Management TrainingManagement Bug 20 Lack of Stakeholders Buy-inManagement Fix 20 Moving Motivators ImplementationManagement Bug 19 Undefined Project QualityManagement Fix 19 Project Management Templates Definition and ImplementationManagement Bug 18 Undefined Project ScheduleManagement Fix 18 Hire ScrumMaster(s)Management Bug 17 Undefined Project ScopeManagement Fix 17 Risk Management ImplementationManagement Bug 16 Unrealistic Project BudgetManagement Fix 16 Process Improvement Initiatives Definition and ImplementationManagement Bug 15 Forced or Speeded RecruitmentManagement Fix 15 Project Quality Definition and UpdateManagement Bug 14 Lack of Sales StrategyManagement Fix 14 Company/Team Values Elicitation and DefinitionManagement Bug 13 Lack of Company StrategyManagement Fix 13 Team ReorganizationManagement Bug 12 Lack of ResourcesManagement Fix 12 Company Strategy Follow-upManagement Bug 11 Lack of CommunicationManagement Fix 11 Problem Solving WorkshopsManagement Bug 10 Undefined ResponsabilitiesManagement Fix 10 Process Indicators DefinitionManagement Bug 9 Resistance to ChangeManagement Fix 9 Sales Strategy DefinitionManagement Bug 8 Budget ConstraintsManagement Fix 8 Product Backlog Grooming or RefinementManagement Bug 7 Lack of Management SupportManagement Fix 7 Product Validation PlanningManagement Bug 6 People leaving the CompanyManagement Fix 6 Company Strategy DefinitionManagement Bug 5 People MistreatedManagement Fix 5 Product Backlog/Roadmap DefinitionManagement Bug 4 People MicromanagedManagement Fix 4 Career Path DefinitionManagement Bug 3 Lack of People OnboardingManagement Fix 3 Scrum TrainingManagement Bug 2 Lack of People EngagementManagement Fix 2 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) LaunchManagement Bug 1 Lack of and identified Company CultureManagement Fix 1 Customer Needs and Wants Elicitation

About the Author

Eduardo Espinheira is a Management Consultant, Facilitator, Manager, Public Speaker with a track record of happier customers. He leverages individuals and teams to achieve excellence through people engagement, change management with best-practices adoption. He is the author of the MngtBugs & MngtFixes concepts, the Human Management Newsletter, and the Machiavellian PM character.